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FINANCIAL CONTROL: The responsibility for approval and control of expenditures rests with the Voters Assembly, but the administration of fiscal matters may be delegated within specified limits to the elected Officers and Boards. Reports of receipts and expenditures with budget comparisons shall be made by the Treasurer at each regular meeting of the Voters Assembly.
The Treasurer of the Congregation shall be the custodian of all funds of the Congregation, the Sunday School and the Day School, depositing all receipts and making all disbursements upon proper authorization. In the absence of specific action by the Voters Assembly, the following provisions shall govern:
A budget of both incomes and expenditures shall be prepared annually to assist in prudent administration and as a means of regulating expenditures. Budget estimates of anticipated income and expenditures shall be prepared by each Committee and Board for its respective functions. After approval, these budget estimates shall be submitted to the Budget and Financial Planning Committee, which will review, coordinate and consolidate the entire budget, and then present it with its recommendations and comments to the Church Board of Administration for its review. The Church Board of Administration shall then present the budget with its recommendations to the Voters Assembly for the votersโ final action before the expiration of the fiscal year prior to that covered by the budget.
Upon approval by the Voters Assembly, the budget shall constitute that bodyโs approval of expenditures for purposes specified within limits set forth by the budget classifications and amounts, and subject to further limitations as provided. The budget may be amended during the year by the Voters Assembly.
Specific dollar limitations shall be as follows:
Salaries By Voters Assembly resolutions on salary rates, as specified in a salary schedule.
Utilities Subject only to reasonableness and post review.
Day School Text materials, subject to reasonableness and post review.
Sunday School Committee Text materials, subject to reasonableness and post review.
Specifically-Budgeted Projects No limitations except budgeted provisions.
All Other Items Expenditures for any one budget classification by any Committee are limited to $100.00 or one-half of its budget for the year, whichever is greater, within any quarter year.
In an emergency, the Officers may authorize the expenditure of additional amounts up to $2,000.00 beyond any other limitations within any quarter year. These special allowances must be separately and specifically reported at the following regular Voters Assembly meeting.
Any capital outlay not included in the approved annual budget must have approval of two-thirds majority of the voters present during a regular or special meeting.