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COMMITTEES ELECTED BY THE VOTERS ASSEMBLY: The following Committees shall be elected annually by direct action of the Voters Assembly:
The Financial Review Committee shall consist of three or more members who shall review accuracy of all financial records of the Congregation, including those of the Treasurer, the Day School, the Sunday School and the Cemetery Committee, at least once each year and at such times as the Committee shall decide.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of five members nominated from and approved by the Voters Assembly. Each of the following boards shall appoint one of their members to serve as an advisory member of the nominating committee: Board of Elders, Board of Education and Board of Properties.
It shall nominate one or more candidates for each vacancy that will occur. Before presenting a list of nominees to the Voters Assembly, the Nominating Committee shall interview the candidates for elective offices, acquaint them with the duties for which they are being considered and obtain their consent to serve if elected. The nominating committee may add additional names to the slate of nominees until the election at the Voters Assembly. The annual election by the Voters Assembly shall be held during the fourth Quarterly Meeting.