


THE BOARD OF PARISH PLANNING shall consist of the key leaders of St. John’s plus two lay members appointed by the Church Board of Administration. The lay members shall not hold an elected office. The key leaders include the Vice President of the Congregation, Pastor(s), Chairman of the Board of Elders, Principal of the Day School, Director of Early Childhood, Sunday School Superintendent, Chairman of the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Committee (or possible future Director of Youth Ministry), and Chairman of the Older Adult Ministry Committee (or possible future Director of Older Adult Ministry).

The Board of Parish Planning shall be accountable to the Church Board of Administration. Chaired by the Vice President of the Congregation, it shall have the responsibility to review, at least quarterly, the Congregation Life Stage goals, determine progress, adjust coordination and support as necessary, and draft goals and plans for the future to be presented to the Church Board of Administration for approval. The Life Stages are Early Childhood, Adolescent, Youth and Young Adult, Adult, and Older Adult. Each Life Stage is expected to have a supporting committee or committees.
